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Luxor Sailing Boat

Let Us Take      
             You There

5nights / 6 Days

We will collect you from your arrival airport or your Hotel as per our prior arrangements. We have our own luxury fully air-conditioned private minivan for the exclusive use of our customers. We can tailor make all your arrangements so as you can have the Egypt experience that’s exactly right for you. We are able to look after you from the moment you step off the plane, before, during and after your Dahabiya Cruise. You will enjoy full board with delicious meals prepared fresh by our own private on board chef. We also provide you with one of our own professional fully qualified Egyptologist Tour Guides in the language of your preference. It is our pleasure and pride to be looking after you as you explore our homeland, the country that we love. As our valued customers, we remain as always, at your service




You will be met by your professional English speaking tour guide who will accompany you on the transfer to your Dahabiya boat for check-in. After refreshments you will have the chance to visit Karnak temple or Luxor temple. Your guide will explain & present to you all the itinerary options , all the highlights and sights that are most important to you

Your 1st highlight it will be a chance to visit Karnak Temple Luxor has been one of the most historically significant and most visited locations on earth for centuries. Karnack Temple, along with the temple complex of Luxor, play a large part in helping Luxor earn the nickname “ The World’s largest Outdoor Museum”




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After breakfast, you will explore Valley of the Kings, the ancient burial ground of over 60 Egyptian pharaohs. The most famous of the Royal Tombs is of course, the incredible - Tomb of Tutankhamen. Discovered in pristine condition by Howard Carter in 1922 it remains the main attraction to this day.

 Set to sail to arrive Esna late afternoon. .Esna is best known for the small ancient Temple of Khnum, which sits 9 meters below street level. Your trip will begin with a brief walk to the temple and a stroll through streets filled with beautiful textiles and other exotic goods. Late afternoon, start sailing your 1st beautiful sunset view toward Edfu.


Day 3 :  ELKABB 

Day 3 : EDFU - HORUS 

Image by Sumit Mangela

Enjoy breakfast on board the Dahabiya as we set sail early morning to El Kabb
El Kabb, on the East bank of the Nile. Once the capital of Upper Egypt it is home to the temple of Nekhbet, as well as a row of fascinating decorated tombs carved into the slope of the mountains. Upon docking, you will embark on a beautiful walk through a small fishermen village to visit the necropolis. 


In the afternoon, the boat will arrive at Edfu, home to the Greco-Roman temple dedicated to the god Horus. This is among the best preserved of all Egyptian temples. Horse and carriage will take you to the temple through the busy city streets. After returning to the boat, we will start our sail towards a beautiful natural island.




Gebel Silsila is the name given to a rocky gorge between Kom Ombo and Edfu where the River Nile narrows and high sandstone cliffs come right down to the water’s edge. Large Cruise ships are not allowed to stop here so you will usually be the only visitors at this fascinating site. We will visit the small temple of Horemheb and walk through the sandstone quarries, which provided the stone for many of the ancient Egyptian monuments and buildings. We will visit a  beautiful authentic café to enjoy tea and the traditional shisha (waterpipe). You will then sail to a picturesque riverbank where you will stop for a barbecue lunch and Fishing on the Nile.

En-route we may stop for a swim. Fishing and enjoy a delicious lunch. Kom Ombo Temple Stands high on the Nile bank overlooking where crocodiles used to gather in ancient times. Magnificent as it comes into view and is accessible by foot. Famous for its 15 columns decorated with lotus flowers, sun images, Lilly (as a symbol for upper Egypt), and papyrus ( a symbol for Nile delta) with the roof decorated with flying vultures. We then set sail for another of the beautiful islands - Herdiab. Cool off with a swim on the islands beautiful beach as we harbour here for dinner and overnight. 

Day 6 : ASWAN 

Departure Day

Image by Eszter Kisgyura

Our beautiful Journey comes to its conclusion in the amazing City of Aswan, an authentic Nubian experience full of friendly people. It will soon be time to say goodbye to your Crew. Many friendships and magical memories will have been made along the way. After a lovingly prepared farewell breakfast check out will be at 9am.

Please let us know your plans after disembarking the Dahabiya. We can transfer you to your local hotel or Airport or it will be our pleasure to offer you any additional assistance you may require.

Most Travel Agents will describe Egypt to you from what they read out of a brochure but we are different. We are a small family run company and this is your holiday to our home, the country that we love. We take great pride in showing you the very best that our beautiful Country has to offer and great pride in offering you the very best hospitality and experience on our Dahabiya. We are expecting from you questions, what you want to see and where you want to go.

Ask us about the flights or special requests? We’d love to hear from you, so don’t hesitate in reaching out today.

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